Three Sisters of Gundagai Mural

Where: Cnr Sheridan Street & Otway Street


Erected in early 2021 by talented artist Yianni Johns. Depicting the story and history of Melba XV of Darbalara a local milking cow who became “the world’s champion butter-fat cow” in 1924.

Concept of the mural:

Locally in the bustling town, of Gundagai famous for the Dog that sits on the Tucker Box there is another legend. The legend backed up by newspaper clippings, the legend of Melba the milking cow. Melba was a prolific milk factory in her day making so much milk, the excess was used for butter and cheese. Her butter winning awards and her milk quantity the talk of the land.

But what people didn’t know was that Melba had two very jealous sisters Daisy on the left screaming in frustration that her jealousy was causing her milk to dry up. Daphnie on the right in the mural is the same trouble as Daisy with only a very small amount of milk delivered she too screams out of frustration and jealousy.  

And so begins the legend of “The Three Sisters,” no not mountain rocks like the ones in the Blue Mountains near Sydney. The Three Sisters in Gundagai are three competitive cows who love what they do and love the land they live in, like the people who live in Gundagai today.


Australian Pen Museum

